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About Us


Rechoboth Baptist Church...even the name suggests something fresh, and a new beginning. In Genesis 26, during a famine, Isaac had reopened his father Abraham's old wells that had been filled with dirt and debris by the Philistines. However, the Philistines claimed them as their own. So Isaac went to a place where water was more difficult to find and dug a new well. He named the well in the Hebrew tongue "Rechoboth" (ree-ko-buth) meaning, " God has made a place and provision for us."


In John 4, Jesus meets a sinful, thirsty, and defeated woman at another well in desperate need of a new life. There Jesus promised, "...the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." That is what Rechoboth Baptist Church is all about; providing a new well of living water to the thirsty hearts of Soddy Daisy.


I want to thank you so much for visiting our website. God has equipped you to fulfill a ministry in the body of Christ...could it be here with us? We certainly welcome you with open arms, a bright smile, and a compassionate handshake. As you take a look at our website, I'm sure you will agree; Rechoboth Baptist Church is a great place to be! Start by clicking the buttons below to learn more about the church!

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